Monday, September 11, 2006

Hello to whoever may venture to this page. My name is Angela. My family and I have recently moved to Kuwait. It has been an adventure for us and something of a culture shock for the first three months. Most of the people here are wonderful, but like most places in the world, you have your good and your bad. There is no where else that I have seen where you will see beautiful architecture next to what looks like buildings that are about to fall down. Also the traffic will keep you on your toes. These folks don't use their turn signals for anything and use their car horns for The temperatures here can get extremely hot up to 140 F in the hotest summer and then close to the 40's during the winter. Also there are days of humidity so high that you feel that you are walking through a wall of water. And don't forget the sand storms. The first sand storm that I experienced was interesting in the eye of an artist. The sky turns a strange gold color, while there is an dimming in light close to what you have during a rain storm. But everything takes on the colors of the sand which is blowing around. If you happen to be out in the open areas during the storm you can see the sand blowing across the roads in sheets that make it impossible to see the road or the markings. But all in all I have to admit that I have been dazzled with the beauty of this country. The differences between the sand of the desert land and the blue greens of the ocean are really amazing. Also I don't think that I have seen a more attractive group of people. The women all seem to have an exotic, dreamy quality to them. And the men are very attractive in a very masculine way. I have also noticed that there is an old world quality to life here. Women are still treated as if they should be taken care of. Doors are opened for you. Packages are carried to your car. Respect is shown for women that I have never seen in the Western World. Even the abaya (the traditional covering of the women) is a beautiful item. Instead of making the women look as if they are being downtrodden, it actually gives them a look of beauty that some of the western fashions can not hold a candle too. And the food out here is very tasty. Different than what I am use to, but a real treat if you are brave enough to try it. Of course, being from Texas I require my diet of Mexican or TexMex food and that is not readily available here. So in my ingenuity I have had to become something of a cook. I actually have to make tortillas and refried beans for my family. They actually taste better than what I use to buy, but I am really a lazy person when it comes to cooking. You can actually find some of the products needed to cook some of the American foods that we are use too, but you would have to pay for it. Like the tortillas. A package of 8 flour tortillas cost 1.500 Kd ($4.25 American) and refried beans are close to the same cost. American foods are expensive. So you adjust your cooking to what you can get on the local economy and hope that you can get the same flavors. Well, that is all for now. I will be adding more later. Don't forget to check out the photos. Thanks and bye

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